I created a test character to help ask this question ive been stuck on the past couple of months
So here we have the character with an animation that has a blend shape in the keyframes of that animation, it doesnt work in godot as seen here
at first it didnt work when i just got it from the .blend file so i tried exporting it as glb
and so the options for blend shapes showed up and a slider, still not playing when i play the armature animation though, so I added them as keyframes to the animation in godot
but then i added them to an animation tree
When I did that the blend shapes stopped playing with the animation and when i try to disable the animation by unlinking it and pressing start i can no longer just play the animation from the animationplayer
So i tried to blend the two in a blend tree so i can try it in the animtion player but now its just half-doing the two animations
cause like I couldnt jsut play them at the same time
and it strangely worked for the first time
However I want to use blend shapes with animations for more complicated things such as voice acted characters and facial expressions in cutscenes or when something happens like if a character hits a wall or activates a new pose during a photoshooting or when a character is blinking while simultaneously speaking
I’ve run into this issue as well. Blender exports the animations separately as they happen on different objects, the Armature for the skeletal animation and the Mesh for the blend shapes. Maybe exporting as NLA instead of the default Actions would work better for multi-object animation syncing? So far I haven’t used shape keys as a major part of my animations, so little fixes like adding another AnimationPlayer or Tween for the effect has worked for me.
I believe you could use a Add2 instead of a Blend2 in this case.
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I found out there was a button here called Shape Key Editor so I tried it
Then in the shape key editor I made two different animations then pressed the Push Down button to the NLA stack for each one
Then I exported it and then I found my shape key animations seperate from my skeletal animations
Then I used the Add2 to mix the two animations together rather than Blend2 to get the full effect
So now I’m gonna try to make a speaking animation to add it onto my blinking and skeletal animations
For some reason it’s playing other shape keys when I’m trying to play the animations but ill export to godot anyway, then i found out I accidentally deleted my action animation so I made a new one and pushed it down
But then when I exported it back to godot my blend shapes just mixed together like how it was in blender into this mess and I can’t work with it if it does so, maybe It’s just something I need to change in blender because it had the similar issue