How do you call upon dialogue? (Not actionable)

Godot Version

Godot V4.3


I cannot find a tutorial that goes over this and I would like to make a cutscene that plays when a button is pressed. (Cutscene tips would be helpful too). I am very beginner and all of the cutscene or dialogue tutorials dob't fit my specific need case

How far did you get with other tutorials? Why did they not fit your use case?

They were all for character interactions, so used an actionable event

Isn’t a button press an actionable event?

No like the physical Actionable event. Like when your player controller enters the area

And when that happens the Area emits a body_entered signal, could you modify or copy the code to be connected to the button’s pressed signal?

I can’t figure out the signal

Check this article and maybe do some tests of your own to learn how the signals work.

If you then have any specific questions - let us know.

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