How do you enable the profiler before the project runs?

Godot 4.3


My project is loading slowly, so I’d like to see what’s causing it, but there seems to be no option to run the profiler at startup. I looked around to see there used to be an “autostart” checkbox, but it seems to have been removed? I updated to Godot 4.3 to use it, but the UI was the same. The “start” button is also greyed out before startup.

Not possible as of 4.3, you could add in-script timers with print statements for now, it might even be more accurate. Starting your function with Time.get_ticks_usec/msec then printing subtractions along the way

func big_loader() -> void:
    var start_time: int = Time.get_ticks_usec()
    print("%d: load1 finished" % (Time.get_ticks_usec() - start_time))
    print("%d: load2 finished" % (Time.get_ticks_usec() - start_time))

Automatically starting various profilers is coming in 4.4, but so is uber-shader for various loading improvements.

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