How many hours do you have in Godot on Steam?

Hello everyone! :wave:

With Godot 4.3 came a lot of really handy features, but one surprising change was the Steam version now finally tracking time played correctly. For anyone who didn’t know, Steam would previously only detect the project manager and not the editor itself.

I only just noticed when seeing my Steam status still be “Playing Godot Engine” even after selecting a project, which of course closes the project manager. That and my “play time” jumping up from 17h to 23h in just one session.

So I was wondering, how many hours do you have on Godot? If you are using the Steam version, what is your time played? Maybe we can find the person with the most hours collected. ^^ Not that it would matter much since most of it is how long you’ve left the project manager open anyways. XD But perhaps we could make another thread in a few months or a year to see how much our stats changed.

Mine is at 31h right now, but as I said earlier, it used to be just 17h from the project manager being open alone before the fix. ^^’

Godot play time on Steam: 31.3 hours

Curious to see all of your stats. :>

actual time is probably double that amount, because it didnt recognize me starting godot a lot of times