Godot Version
v4.2.2.stable.official [15073afe3]
Like if i were to load up my game with a lot of tilemaps, would there be any problems aside from it being a nightmare to nagivate. I already have like 6 in my game . Will there be any problems if i were to idk get it up to 10 and beyond. I am a bit worried cuz i want my world to be a bit large.
You might want to consider how to make them easier to navigate, otherwise as the world gets bigger it’ll be more of a nightmare.
If you are worried about size you can always implement chunking.
The premise would be say your world is 1000x1000 tiles, you would break that up into smaller chunks.
1000x1000 → twenty 50x50 tile chunks
So, now the world is 20x20 50 tile chunks. Now what you would do is load and unload chunks that are outside of a specified range.
With the method your 1000x1000 world would become maximum 4 chunks at a total of 100x100.
This is a method for keeping a large world from being to performance heavy.
Thanks! I’ll make sure to keep that in mind.