Having a parent node (GameManager) with a script how do I get it's child's children count?
I have a stucture like this:
->GameManager (GameManager Script)
How do I get the Spawner child count or add child to it?
My problem isn’t what functions to use to achieve this but how to access this node and call the functions on the child node.
I tried giving it the path $Spawner.add_child(), it didn’t work.
Also giving it a unique name %Spawner.add_child() didn’t work as well.
What’s the best way to do this? Thanks
To get a Child you can try using spawner.get_child_count()
To Add one try Node2D.new() (replace Node2D with the node you actually want to add)
extends Node
func _ready():
# Reference the Spawner
var spawner = get_node("Spawner")
# Add the Child
var new_child = Node2D.new() # Replace with your Node
# Get the child count
var child_count = spawner.get_child_count()
# Print it
print("Spawner has", child_count, "children")