Godot Version
I have a Shooter Node2D that spawns Area2D projectiles based off of a timer that I can set per shooter.
The Shooter needs to somehow warn the player when it’s about to shoot, therefore it needs an AnimatedSprite2D to accomplish that goal.
Problem: Doing this with the timer is horrible. I have the animation set up the way I like it, it’s 12 frames running at 24FPS, making the animation last half a second. (I can’t upload the screenshot of the sprites, sadly)
This is the way I tried to make this work:
func _process(delta):
if shoot_timer.time_left < 0.5:
This causes desyncs, which I’m guessing is to blamed on timer shenanigans, though it could be something else.
How do I make it so that we can have projectile spawn times close to and less than half a second, while also making sure that it doesn’t desync too easily?