Godot Version
Godot 4.3
Is there a way to clamp the light energy on certain pixels so that lights don’t stack, or at least they can’t stack to a point where lights get super bright?
Godot 4.3
Is there a way to clamp the light energy on certain pixels so that lights don’t stack, or at least they can’t stack to a point where lights get super bright?
At the moment, there is no such feature in Godot. You would have to create your own solution for this problem and I don’t know enough about light rendering to propose a solution to you.
I answered a post similar to this one a few months ago. The conclusion was to simply stick with using additive light blending (see post).
I hope someone has a better answer for you.
Other users have requested a feature for this very use case (see issue).
As Sweatix mentioned, it depends on your use case. To me it seems that using Mix blend mode for lights will be a solution for this.
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