How to do a global wireframe effect like this?

Godot Version



See at about 0:06. See those wireframes for the walls, floors and ceilings that transition to solid components? Is it possible to do something similar in Godot?

You could use the GPU’s wireframe draw mode, this is a great debugging feature that lets you glance where most of your polygons are going. Though it’s for debugging so it looks ugly.

var viewport := get_viewport()
viewport.debug_draw = Viewport.DEBUG_DRAW_WIREFRAME

For more complex effects you will have to use shaders.

You can use render_mode wireframe; at the top of a shader to force wireframe rendering on a specific material only. This only works in Forward+ and Mobile though, unless you call RenderingServer.set_debug_generate_wireframes(true) when the project starts in Compatibility.