Godot Version
Hi! A noob question here. I just export my project in godot, and see that none of my load(“res://Asset/Card/xxxxx_avatar.png”). I must put my folder Asset with my .exe file I generated, and of course, I don’t want the user to have access to my asset so easily. How can I load an image that was imported in my project by script ?
I know how to do that in fact, all the ressource are in the .import folder, and you could juste load the .stex file (which I think are store in the .pkc file, when exporte ?) associated to my “res://Asset/Card/xxxxx_avatar.png”. And to know this association, there are the res://Asset/Card/xxxxx_avatar.png.import file. I could juste store somewhere all the association and use it to load the ressource I need, but there should be a better way to do this.
Thanks in advance for the anwsers