Godot Version
I'm making a 2d tower defense, and i can't find a tutorial how to make a building system. Can someone send tutorials how to make it, please?
I'm making a 2d tower defense, and i can't find a tutorial how to make a building system. Can someone send tutorials how to make it, please?
There are not really much tutorials over a 2D building system, but I can walk you through it.
You can make a new scene for the tower, and when you click somewhere you can instantiate that scene.
extends Node2D
var towerScene = "res://tower.tscn" # Replace this with your actual tower scene
var mouseButtonPressed = false # Makes sure towers aren't placed every frame the mouse is held.
func _input(ev):
if Input.is_mouse_button_pressed():
if !mouseButtonPressed:
# Set your tower variable here
# ex. towerScene.type = "Archer"
mouseButtonPressed = true
if !Input.is_mouse_button_pressed():
mouseButtonPressed = false
thank you