How to make a dark, unlit world?

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]


I’m trying to make my 2D world pitch black except for PointLight2D sources. I can’t work out how to remove the ambient or default lighting. How can I do this?

What I’ve Done

I’ve made a new Environment and set ambient_light_source and reflected_light_source to disabled, and background_energy_multiplier to zero. All other settings in the Environment are left as default.

I then went to Project Settings > rendering/environment/defaults and set default_clear_color to BLACk and default_environment to my Environment resource.

This seems to have made absolutely no difference to the scene being displayed in the editor or at run time.

What piece of the puzzle am I missing?

If it matters, I have a Camera2D and I have just added a WorldEnvironment node to the scene with the same Environment resource.

I just edited the Environment to turn on ambient lighting:

  • ambient_light_source: Color
  • ambient_light_color: RED
  • ambient_light_energy: 10

This made no difference to the visuals. I’m obviously missing a “turn on the lighting effects” setting somewhere, but I don’t know where.

Also, what is the difference, if any, between setting the environment in Project Settings versus in a WorldEnvironment in the scene, other than Project Settings applying to the entire project and WorldEnvironment applying only to the scene?

Can you share your scene tree and a view of the game?

Scene Tree:

Straight forward. I’m early in prototyping so everything is currently in the one scene.

Screen shot:

The tile map correctly occludes the light source. But everything beyond the circle is still fully visible.

Desired outcome:


This is the solution:

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