I’m trying to make my 2D world pitch black except for PointLight2D sources. I can’t work out how to remove the ambient or default lighting. How can I do this?
What I’ve Done
I’ve made a new Environment and set ambient_light_source and reflected_light_source to disabled, and background_energy_multiplier to zero. All other settings in the Environment are left as default.
I then went to Project Settings > rendering/environment/defaults and set default_clear_color to BLACk and default_environment to my Environment resource.
This seems to have made absolutely no difference to the scene being displayed in the editor or at run time.
If it matters, I have a Camera2D and I have just added a WorldEnvironment node to the scene with the same Environment resource.
I just edited the Environment to turn on ambient lighting:
ambient_light_source: Color
ambient_light_color: RED
ambient_light_energy: 10
This made no difference to the visuals. I’m obviously missing a “turn on the lighting effects” setting somewhere, but I don’t know where.
Also, what is the difference, if any, between setting the environment in Project Settings versus in a WorldEnvironment in the scene, other than Project Settings applying to the entire project and WorldEnvironment applying only to the scene?