Godot Version
Godot 4
Hello, I’m making a combat system and I’d like to add a timed button press during combat. So essentially its a roguelike that when you press A to attack it triggers a gauge that you need to hit keys in succession for. (usually between 3 and five spelling different words)
How would I do something like this?
You use timers:
var timer_active: bool = false
@onready var timer: Timer = $Timer
func activate_timer() -> void:
timer_active = true
await timer.timeout
timer_active = false
Now you just have to check if the thing is being pressed during “time_active == true”
I’m a little new to this. So I know that that turns the timer on, and then it listens to a keypress. How do I set it up so that it randomizes what you need to press?
So say you use the enter key to swing a sword, it triggers the timer and then you are prompted to type the word ‘break’ within the time.
How would I set that up?
you may do process_frame increment and when it certain range - count as true
var condition_value:=0:
wrapi(condition_value, 0, 999)
func _process(_d):
make different script with _input
check, when it certain range
if condition_value>333 and condition_value<666: return true
then your action
node with func _process should be toggled when needed with