Godot Version
godot 4.3 ver
get_parent().get_node("Sprite").size.y -= 1
With this code, it will be smaller based on the top.
but, i want like this:
I want to make it smaller based on the bottom.
godot 4.3 ver
get_parent().get_node("Sprite").size.y -= 1
With this code, it will be smaller based on the top.
but, i want like this:
I want to make it smaller based on the bottom.
What’s “size.y”? Do you mean scale?
I assume you unchecked “centered” in the sprite inspector. Try to offset the y coord to minus the height of the texture in pixels.
you have to increase the y position simultaniously.
so when size.y -=1, you have to do position.y +=1