How to receive packet from an python udp server in godot 3.3.3

Godot Version



I'm trying to receive packets from a udp server created with python and its socket library, but I can't receive the packets. If I use the PacketPeerUDP wait() function, my window crashes. I already checked with Wireshark and the server if the packet returns. Could someone give me some guidance with code? Thanks in advance.

extends Node

var udp_socket :=

func _ready():
	print("Cliente UDP listo")
	send_data("¡Hola, servidor!")

func send_data(message):
	var ip = ""
	var port = 10000
	var packet = message.to_utf8()  # Convertir el mensaje a bytes UTF-8
	udp_socket.connect_to_host(ip, port)
	print("Datos enviados al servidor")

func _notification(what):
		while udp_socket.wait() == OK:
			var packet = udp_socket.get_packet()
			var data = packet.get_string_from_utf8()
			print("Datos recibidos del servidor: ", data)

func _process(delta):
	var result = udp_socket.wait()
	if result == OK:
		var packet = udp_socket.get_packet()
		var data = packet.get_string_from_utf8()
		print("Datos recibidos del servidor: ", data)

It seems the problem is not unique to Godot, as I create a client in UE5.5 and it does not receive packets either. What could be the problem?