I have this function that has 2 if paths that lead to a jump. The blocks of code are exactly the same, which annoys me to no end.
If possible, I’d rather not use another function, but if I have to I will…
Here is the func:
func vault_jump(delta:float):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"):
jump_buff = get_tree().create_timer(jump_vault_buff_amount)
if jump_buff.time_left > 0:
if vault_cast.is_colliding():
var vault_normal := vault_cast.get_collision_normal(0)
if vault_normal.dot(Vector3.UP) > 0:
#Do the vault
#Jump If Shapecast Is False Detecting
elif is_on_floor():
#This is a jump
elif is_on_floor() or (coyote and coyote_timer.time_left > 0):
#This is also a jump
You can return early from the vault scenario, then you don’t need any of that first jumping code, because it’s covered by the second jump code. I haven’t tested this code, I’m on mobile, so let me know if you have any issue with this code.
func vault_jump(delta:float):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("jump"):
jump_buff = get_tree().create_timer(jump_vault_buff_amount)
if jump_buff.time_left > 0:
if vault_cast.is_colliding():
var vault_normal := vault_cast.get_collision_normal(0)
if vault_normal.dot(Vector3.UP) > 0:
#Do the vault
if is_on_floor() or (coyote and coyote_timer.time_left > 0):
#This is also a jump