How to spawn only for the host player?

Godot Version: 4.3

Question: Using the multiplayer rpc’s, how do I spawn a node only for the host player?

Context: I have a two-player turn-based puzzle game. Each player selects an character and have the possible paths that character can take light up, the player then takes their turn by selecting one of the paths, the character moves to it’s new location and the path disappears. Those lit-up paths must only appear for the player who’s turn it is, not for the opposing player.

When the player is the client, rpc_id work fine, and the path only appears for the client player, not the host player:

spawn_lit_path.rpc_id(id, lit_path_position)

func spawn_lit_path(lit_path_position):
	var lit_path = lit_path_node.instantiate()

But when it’s the host player’s turn, how do you get the path to appear for the host player and not the client player?

All the multiplayer guidance I’ve seen has led me to the host/client model for a two-player game. Do I have to somehow have two clients with the players attached to each and the host entirely separate from the players? I’m hoping there’s an easier way.

Is the logic running on the host? If yes you can just call the method that lights the path on the host without rpc

Thanks, I see what you mean, and I remember that half way through the tutorials you’d have unsync’d objects that only appeared in the host. I think I’m going to set up a project with a host entirely separate from the player clients though.