How to use Shortcut?

Godot Version



I can’t understand ShortCut with this documentation. I don’t know what to do or how to even set it up. This is what I have so far.

func _ready():
	DisplayServer.window_set_title(app_name + ' - ' + current_file)
	for i in ['New File', 'Open File', 'Save File', 'Save as File', 'Quit']:
	$FileMenu.get_popup().set_item_shortcut(4, set_shortcut(KEY_Q), true)
	for i in ['About', "How to Use"]:

func set_shortcut(key):
	var shortcut =
	var inputevent =
	inputevent.keycode = key
	inputevent.ctrl_pressed = true # what
	return shortcut

I have never used that before.

However, when I find the documentation lacking, I go to github and search for the term and filter down to gdscript and see how other projecta use it.

Hopefully someone will chime in with better info, but this strategy has worked a lot for me.

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