I am having some difficulties with multiplayer and rpcs

Godot Version



`I found a reddit post talking about it (https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/comments/17k0c02/peer_2_peer_multiplayer_in_godot/), and although they got close, they never solved it. The username data is being passed from client to host. When the client joins, everything is dandy, but the host cannot see the client. I think the add_child is only running on the client’s side.

Here is my script, I have attached screenshots of the problem. Thanks`

extends Node3D

var peer = ENetMultiplayerPeer.new()
@export var player_scene: PackedScene

var peer_usernames = {}  # Dictionary to map peer IDs to usernames

func _on_host_pressed():
	multiplayer.multiplayer_peer = peer
	sendUsername(multiplayer.get_unique_id(), GlobalScript.username)

func _on_join_pressed():
	peer.create_client("", 9012)
	multiplayer.multiplayer_peer = peer
	sendUsername(multiplayer.get_unique_id(), GlobalScript.username)

func add_player(id = multiplayer.get_unique_id(), usr=""):
	var player = player_scene.instantiate()
	player.name = str(id)
	var username_label = player.get_node("Head/username")
	username_label.text = "Player " + usr  # Use the passed username
	# Add the player to the scene first
	call_deferred("add_child", player)

func del_player(id):
	# Call the function to remove the player
	rpc("_del_player", id)

@rpc("any_peer", "call_local")  # Calls this on the sender as well
func _del_player(id):
	var player = get_node_or_null(str(id))
	if player:

func sendUsername(id, passedUsername):
	# Add player on all peers
	add_player(id, passedUsername)
	peer_usernames[id] = passedUsername  # Store username in the dictionary

func _player_connected(id):
	# When a new peer connects, send the existing players' usernames
	for peer_id in peer_usernames.keys():
		sendUsername(peer_id, peer_usernames[peer_id])

the client is the bottom screenshot

Oh btw I put the username in front of the player so that I didnt have to look up when testing cuz im lazy