Hello everyone.
I was previously using version 5.2.1 for Google Play Billing in Godotta but now Google wants 6.0.1 or higher for the new version. I found a few sources to update my application again, but I couldn’t get the result I wanted because my code forms were different.
I would appreciate if you can help me to use a new version with the codes I have given below.
extends Node
#Note 1: This code can only function on Android.
#Note 2: The purchase overlay will only show if you uploaded the app on Google Play, at least internaly.
@export_multiline var product_ids = "product1,product2"
var payment
var recent_product_id
var recent_purchase_type
signal products_ready(product_ids, product_prices)
signal bought_product(product_id: String)
func _ready():
if Engine.has_singleton("GodotGooglePlayBilling"): # Testing if you enabled the plugin
payment = Engine.get_singleton("GodotGooglePlayBilling") # Adds the payment system to the variable
payment.connected.connect(_on_connected) # Fired when sucessfully connected
payment.connect_error.connect(_on_connect_error) # Fired when failed to connect, RETURNS: Error ID (int), Error Message (string)
payment.sku_details_query_completed.connect(_on_product_details_query_completed) # Fired when successfully prepared the products for possible purchases, RETURNS: Products (Dictionary[])
payment.sku_details_query_error.connect(_on_product_details_query_error) # Fired when failed to prepare the products for possible purchases, RETURNS: Error ID (int), Error Message (string), Product Token (string[])
payment.purchases_updated.connect(_on_purchases_updated) # Fired when successfully purchased, RETURNS: Purchases (Dictionary[])
payment.purchase_error.connect(_on_purchase_error) # Fired when failed to purchase, RETURNS: Error ID (int), Error Message (string)
payment.purchase_consumed.connect(_on_purchase_consumed) # Fired when successfully consumed the purchase, RETURNS: Purchase Token (string)
payment.purchase_consumption_error.connect(_on_purchase_consumption_error) # Fired when failed to consume the purchase, RETURNS: Error ID (int), Error Message (string), Purchase Token (string)
payment.purchase_acknowledged.connect(_on_purchase_acknowledged) # Fired when Google successfully acknowledged the purchase, RETURNS: Purchase Token (string)
payment.purchase_acknowledgement_error.connect(_on_purchase_acknowledgement_error) # Fired when Google failed to acknowledge the purchase, RETURNS: Error ID (int), Error Message (string), Purchase Token (string)
payment.startConnection() # This tries to connect
func _on_connected():
print("Successfully connected")
payment.querySkuDetails(product_ids.split(","), "inapp") # This prepares the products for possible purchases
payment.queryPurchases("inapp") # This gets all the purchases that you have done (if any)
func _on_query_purchases_response(query_result):
if query_result.status == OK:
for purchase in query_result.purchases:
func _on_connect_error(_errorid, _errormessage):
print("Failed to connect")
func _on_product_details_query_completed(_products):
print("Successfully prepared the products")
var product_ids = []
var product_prices = []
for _product in _products:
emit_signal("products_ready", product_ids, product_prices)
func _on_product_details_query_error(_errorid, _errormessage, _producttoken):
print("Failed to prepare the product")
func buy(product_id, purchase_type):
recent_product_id = product_id
recent_purchase_type = purchase_type
payment.purchase(product_id) # This purchases the item
func _on_purchases_updated(purchases):
if recent_purchase_type == "consumable":
if purchases.size() > 0:
# This consumes the purchase by getting the recent purchase's token
payment.consumePurchase(purchases[purchases.size() - 1].purchase_token)
elif recent_purchase_type == "one-time":
for purchase in purchases: # This goes over all purchases
if not purchase.is_acknowledged:
payment.acknowledgePurchase(purchase.purchase_token) # This acknowledges the purchase
emit_signal("bought_product", recent_product_id)
print("Successfully purchased")
func _on_purchase_error(_errorid, _errormessage):
print("Failed to purchase")
func _on_purchase_consumed(_purchasetoken):
print("Successfully consumed the purchase")
func _on_purchase_consumption_error(_errorid, _errormessage, _purchasetoken):
print("Failed to consume the purchase")
func _on_purchase_acknowledged(_purchasetoken):
print("Successfully acknowledged the purchase")
func _on_purchase_acknowledgement_error(_errorid, _errormessage, _purchasetoken):
print("Failed to acknowledge the purchase")