Godot Version
i have the gun working but right now its more like a 3d print becase it cant shoot idk how to fix it.
i have the gun working but right now its more like a 3d print becase it cant shoot idk how to fix it.
So i guess you are spawning bullets, but they arent moving?
This would mean you have to give them a velocity in the direction you want them to fly
no idk how to spawn the bullets
but im working with a tutoryal now
well if you need help it would be good to know what exactly you have and what you want to achieve
So i have ot so it will spawn bullets but when i hit the right mousse button (i thought it was just the left button so i swaped it) instead of firering it minimizes the game. And i accidentally closed the page so idk if its just outdated code
Can you show your code?