i want to know how i can do an action when the two collisionshap2D is overlaping

Godot Version

` godot-4


i new on godot and i have too much things to know but the first things i want to know is how i can make an fonction or action when the collisionshap2D of my player and the collisionshap2D of my sign. Can you please help me with my code :

extends Sprite2D

func _ready():
Sprite2D.visible = true

func is_overlapping(shape1: CollisionShape2D, shape2: CollisionShape2D) → bool:
var shape1_aabb = shape1.shape.get_aabb()
var shape2_aabb = shape2.shape.get_aabb()
return shape1_aabb.intersects(shape2_aabb)

func _on_Area2D_body_entered(body):
if is_overlapping(body.collision_shape, $CollisionShape2D):
Sprite2D.visible = false

Check how Area2D node works.