In Godot 4.3, I need a multi-value range slider, that does not accepts user interaction.
I need to show a range of values (0 - 100) and also a range of accepted values:
(40-60) for example. And finally, I need to show what value we currently have (51).
I’ve been working in image-software to try and show you:
Currently this is not available in Godot built in features, so you can create your own. But I think it would great if Godot has the feature officially. You can open a feature proposal or issue in GIPs
Could be a good idea. But for both the Progressbar Or the HSlider, I need to be able to set where the white overlays begins. Default of course, the white overlay begins filling from left to right. I need to move that with custom code somehow
Another option, just start from scratch with an empty control node. Put some code on that, and control child elements. Here I have two rectangles as children that should be controlled with code.
Okay this will probably be riddled with bugs and impossible to align and customize. But I just played around setting up all the elements I need, now the parent node just need code to control it.