Godot Version
Hey all, I am trying to load in a bullet image but am unsure how Godot decides the spawn location of a scene in relation to the image and Nodes tied to it. It keeps dropping the image far below and to the right of where I would expect it to be loading into the scene.
My Node tree looks like this:
\-- RPG (Area2D)
\---- CollisionShape2D
\---- Rpg (Sprite2D)
\------ ShootingPoint (Marker2D)
I have “ShootingPoint” marked as a Unique Named Node and my code to instantiate the Rocket looks like this
func shoot():
const ROCKET = preload("res://Scenes/Ammo_Scenes/rocket.tscn")
var newRocket = ROCKET.instantiate()
newRocket.global_position = %ShootingPoint.global_position
newRocket.global_rotation = %ShootingPoint.global_rotation
That red cross on the front is the “ShootingPoint” but when the Rocket image loads in it loads in like this below it. This forum only lets me load in 1 picture so I can’t show what it actually looks like but hopefully I can add more details in the comments.
I would want the rocket to load in where directly on top of the red cross indicated by the “ShootingPoint”. And if that is not possible I just want to know how Godot makes the decision to spawn where it does so I can accommodate for it in the future.