Godot Version
I have already tried all of the suggested posts in this unsolved post here, but the issue I am having is that Godot is throwing a ‘null instance’ error related to two labels I have in my autoload UI. My UI code is:
extends CanvasLayer
class_name UI
@onready var health_label = $Health
@onready var experience_label = $Experience
@onready var death_ui = $DeathUI
@onready var win_ui = $WinUI
var player_hp: int:
get : return Database.player_health
set(value) : Database.player_health = value
var player_exp: int:
get : return Database.player_exp
set(value) : Database.player_exp = value
var scene = preload("res://scenes/main.tscn")
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
health_label.text = "HP: " + str(player_hp)
experience_label.text = "EXP: " + str(player_exp)
# Decides which player UI shows
func do_visible_ui() -> void:
if GlobalVariables.death == true:
death_ui.visible = true
health_label.visible = false
experience_label.visible = false
GlobalVariables.can_control = false
if GlobalVariables.flamagor_dead == true:
win_ui.visible = true
health_label.visible = false
experience_label.visible = false
GlobalVariables.can_control = false
# Restarts game if player wants
func _on_try_again_pressed() -> void:
# Returns to main menu if not
func _on_give_up_pressed() -> void:
the specific error is stating that all of my labels and UIs (%Health, %Experience, %DeathUI, %WinUI) have invalid path names, despite being named as unique and accessible as such, and visible in the 2D editor. EDIT: they are currently set as $, but % does not work either.
This only started happening after putting my UI script in as an autoload, which I am newer to exploring, so I’m unsure if there’s some disconnect with the way autoloads handle nodes or not. Any help is appreciated!