Is there a way to get the size of a 3D mesh?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Rabid

Working with 2D sprites, you can access the width and the height of the texture used calling the methods get_width and get_height. Is there something similar to this but for 3D meshes? I need to stack blocks one on top of another in runtime and I need the height of the blocks to know where to put them.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: wombatstampede

This should be get_aabb()
(Meshinstance is a descendant of GeometryInstance->Visualinstance))
The aabb should be the bounding box of the mesh.

Note that it must be multiplied with the scale of that node, or its father’s, to return the true world size.

Also note that a mesh’s X,Y value may be in AABB.size.x and z instead of y, depending on the axis you setup your scenes