Issue with Acquiring Editor Camera3D Direction and Up Vectors

Godot Version



I’m encountering a problem while trying to get the direction and up vectors of an Editor Camera3D in Godot-cpp 4.2.

I’ve set up the viewport so that the Camera3D is initially pointing approximately in the direction of (0, -1, 0) and looking at the world origin. When I rotate the camera around the world’s Y-axis, I expect the camera’s direction vector to remain unchanged, approximately (0, -1, 0). However, the actual result is (1, 0, 0).
Am I correctly acquiring the camera’s forward direction vector using transform.basis[2] and the up direction vector using transform.basis[1]?
I’m confused about why this is happening and whether it could be a bug in Godot-cpp 4.2. Can anyone help me understand this issue?

    EditorInterface *editor_interface = EditorInterface::get_singleton();
    Node *editor_root_node = editor_interface->get_edited_scene_root();
    godot::SubViewport *editor_viewport = nullptr;
    godot::Camera3D *editor_camera = nullptr;

    std::array<int, 4> indices{ 0, 1, 2, 3 };
    for ( int i : indices )
        editor_viewport = editor_interface->get_editor_viewport_3d( i );
        if ( editor_viewport != nullptr )
            editor_camera = editor_viewport->get_camera_3d();
            if ( editor_camera != nullptr )
                godot::Size2 viewportSize = editor_viewport->get_visible_rect().size;
                if ( viewportSize.width > 50 && viewportSize.height > 50 )
                        godotCameraToViewState( pCoordinateSystem, godotWorldToTileset,
                                                editor_camera, viewportSize ) );
ViewState godotCameraToViewState( const LocalHorizontalCoordinateSystem *pCoordinateSystem,
                                  const glm::dmat4 &godotWorldToTileset,
                                  const godot::Camera3D *camera,
                                  const godot::Size2 viewportSize )
    godot::Transform3D transform = camera->get_camera_transform();
    godot::Vector3 origin = transform.get_origin();

    glm::dvec3 cameraPosition =
        glm::dvec3( godotWorldToTileset * glm::dvec4( origin.x, origin.y, origin.z, 1.0 ) );

    godot::Vector3 cameraDirectionGodot = transform.basis[2];
    glm::dvec3 cameraDirection = glm::dvec3(
        godotWorldToTileset * glm::dvec4( cameraDirectionGodot.x, cameraDirectionGodot.y,
                                          cameraDirectionGodot.z, 0.0 ) );

    godot::Vector3 cameraUpGodot = transform.basis[1];
    glm::dvec3 cameraUp =
        glm::dvec3( godotWorldToTileset *
                    glm::dvec4( cameraUpGodot.x, cameraUpGodot.y, cameraUpGodot.z, 0.0 ) );


direction = -basis.get_column(2) is correct. // column major

	_FORCE_INLINE_ Vector3 get_column(int p_index) const {
		// Get actual basis axis column (we store transposed as rows for performance).
		return Vector3(rows[0][p_index], rows[1][p_index], rows[2][p_index]);