JLTF Runtime import creates too large mesh

Godot Version



I’m trying to make a 3d game where the user can import jltf files for different parts of the robot, that can then have joints added to them so they can be used in a simulation. I’m importing the jltf files using

var gltf_document_load = GLTFDocument.new()
var gltf_state_load = GLTFState.new()
var _error = gltf_document_load.append_from_file(pathToFile, gltf_state_load)
var gltf_scene_root_node = gltf_document_load.generate_scene(gltf_state_load)

This works for simple meshes like a box but for more complex ones like the image provided I get an error that that Condition
"surfaces.size() == RenderingServer::MAX_MESH_SURFACES" is true.

Is there a way for me to still be able to import and use these larger meshes?