Using godot 4.2.2
When using keyboard the jumping works perfectly but just isn’t with a controller and the input and everything is all set up fine i see no reason it wouldn’t work
Here’s the code handling the jump i can send the rest of the player script if necessary
func _unhandled_key_input(event):
if event.is_action_pressed("jump"):
if $RayCast3D.is_colliding() or wallstick == true:
apply_central_impulse(Vector3.UP * 16.0)
self.gravity_scale = 3.5
can_dash = true
jumped = true
wallstick = false
if isCrouching == false:
elif jumped == true:
if isCrouching == false:
if doublejump == false:
playback.start("Double Jump")
apply_central_impulse(Vector3.UP * 16.0)
self.gravity_scale = 3.5
doublejump = true