Label Color Changes and I don't know why

Godot Version

` 4.3


Hello, everyone. I have a very strange issue with colors of labels. I want to present a data display on the screen, in columns of alternating colors to facilitate visualization. Each column has a name and numeric data, one on top of the other, which I do by creating a VBoxContainer and inserting the name label and the data label into it. When the column index is even, it is blue, when odd is aqua. The root is an HBoxContainer that aligns the columns horizontally, which has the default color white.
But when I run it, everything is BLACK. Where did this come from?
Also, I already made exactly the same code with other labels of the same scene, and it worked ok. Why just this one? And why black? Where the black comes from?
Here are the debug window and the code:

Look at this other debug window: same scene, same code for all labels, different results. Above, ok. Bellow, black! Not even white, the default label color!