Godot Version
v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]
Am I doing something wrong?
I’ve set all the lights I want to be baked to static and all the meshes I want to be baked to be unwrapped, and it appears to be “working”.
All the static surfaces I want to be effected by the static lights are having lighting data written to them with pixelated shadows and I can see the effects of all my static lights on nearby geometry. It’s just all so dark and dynamically lit objects stand out like a sore thumb in comparison.
Scene with LightmapGI node disabled (how I want it to look)
Scene with LightmapGI enabled and baked.
The lightmap.
Everything is much darker and the dynamically lit gun in the player’s hands looks out of place because it’s so much brighter. The blue light off-screen is a dynamic light and it looks much brighter than all the static lights now when it was the dimmest in the room before.
My lightmapGI settings
I’ve tried turning interior on, increasing bounces, bounce indirect energy, quality, subdiv count, environment mode, and even adding camera attributes at the top and cranking the exposure to the max and nothing seems to change much after each bake.
Any help would be awesome. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.