Make friction on lerp based on speed

Godot Version



Trying to make friction apply when my character stops walking or running and I want to see if there is anyway to apply the friction to the speed and if there is anyway to apply it with lerp?

I’d recommend move_toward instead of lerp. What does your script look like so far? What have you tried?

The way I originally tried doing my friction was based on velocity but since I don’t want to have acceleration I couldn’t find out a way to make it work out

And I’m trying to find a way where if my state is equal to idle friction apply’s to the character based on there speed at the time

my walk and run are base upon a variable that updates called current_speed which tracks the global speed and how it changes

func run(direction, current_speed, run_speed):
	if disableRun:
		default_walk(direction, current_speed)
		if direction:
			velocity.x  = direction * current_speed * run_speed
			velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, current_speed * run_speed)

func default_walk(direction, current_speed):
	if direction != 0:
		velocity.x  = direction * current_speed
		velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, current_speed * friction)

The code under the walk was me trying to apply friction but Im still confused on how to

So your current_speed is in pixels per second, your run_speed is a multiplier (maybe 2), what is friction?

I’m guessing by friction you mean your character stops instantly and you want a more gradual stop?

I don’t see delta in any of these functions, but you will need it for other pixel per second units like friction should be.

Try making this line, with friction being greater than current_speed, for reference if it’s twice as much as current_speed then your character will slow down after half a second. If it’s four times as much it slow in a quarter of a second.

velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, friction * delta)
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Will try out and yes my run_speed is a multiplier, and you are correct that im trying to make more of a gradual stop, Thank You So much