Main menu
Camera animation
The main menu has a texture button in it
How do I make it so when that button is pressed the camera animation plays
Main menu
Camera animation
The main menu has a texture button in it
How do I make it so when that button is pressed the camera animation plays
You add an export variable to your menu script
@export var camera : Camera2D
Then you assign it in your game scene.
Then on your _on_button_pressed do that animation with your camera.
I don’t know what that “Camera animation” object is, is it an AnimationPlayer?
Of so, you could reference that instead of the camera.
@export var camera_animation: AnimationPlayer
I wrote this and got “@export” is not allowed in this level.
You need to define them on the top section of your script, outside the functions.
The documentation has some code examples.
I tried dropping them in the script but all i got was “can’t drop nodes because script ‘*)’ does not inherit the nodes’”