Method is_on_floor() returns always true

Godot Version



Hi everyone!

I’m facing an issue with is_on_floor() method in a CharacterBody2D. I’m rotating the character to change the gravity. Right now, I’m changing the value of up_direction property so I can change what is considered a floor. But when touching the floor the first time, the character remains in the floor, even with up_direction pointing in other direction.

Even if I change the collision shape and keep the character in the air by rotating it, is_on_floor() still results in true.

Any idea of why this is happening? I was expecting the is_on_floor() to result false after rotating, since the character floor direction isn’t the regular anymore. The state machine would then change the state to fall.

extends State
class_name StarAvatarIdleState

@export var actor:GameCharacter
@export var move_component:MoveComponent
@export var gravity_component:GravityComponent

enum {

func physics_process(delta:float) -> void:
	if actor.is_on_floor():
		move_component.velocity = Vector2.ZERO

Quoting the documentation:

bool is_on_floor() const

Returns true if the body collided with the floor on the last call of move_and_slide. Otherwise, returns false. The up_direction and floor_max_angle are used to determine whether a surface is “floor” or not.

Try calling move_and_slide() then, it should update the is_on_floor().

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