Godot Version
I’m following and using this guide as a reference.
I’ll preface that I am very new to Godot and just started messing with networking. I have a dedicated server and clients connecting, the problem is when I use the MultiplayerSpawner node to spawn scenes (maps) to the clients, my understanding is that all clients will be synced to that scene? I have it working as in when the client connects, the server automatically sets the scene via the MultiplayerSpawner, but I plan on having clients be able to switch scenes and not be on the same scene as other clients. I can’t figure out how to accomplish this with MultiplayerSpawner and reading the docs it seams that spawning is called on all clients?
I guess my question is, am I using MultiplayerSpawner wrong? Or is there a way to use it and only spawn scenes for specific clients with the server be authoritative? Maybe this needs to be done via RPC (which was kinda where I started before I found the guide above and showed spawning scenes via MultiplayerSpawner)? Any links to examples of networking with clients being on different scenes would be greatly appreciated.