Multiple different Particles in the same GPUParticle3D

Godot Version



My Question is simple: is there a way to have different kind of particle mesh in the same system.

For example:
I can add up to 4 draw pass instances in the particle options but they are always rendered all together for every particle.

So is there a way to have some particles to use only pass 1 and some only pass 2?

What I try to archive is something like the Zelda TotK shrines in that multiple signs floating through the air.

Any suggestions?

For your example specifically you could use animation frames with a random offset and 0 playback speed. I use these parameters for a lot of particles with random images.

The material must be set to Particle Billboard, and set H Frames and V Frames to your sprite sheet’s dimensions. The particle process just needs to set offset min to 0, and offset max to 1 or lower if you want to use less frame, for example if you have empty frames in your sprite sheet.

This will use one mesh (usually a quad), one material, and one GPU particle node.

I’m not entirely sure if this is what I’m looking for since I wasn’t able to test it yet but from what I have read by now I think that is definitely the direction I needed to be pushed in.

Thank you very much I will test this and mark your answers as solution if it’s solving my issues.

Here’s an example image using this sprite sheet


In addition here’s the .tscn file, which contains all the properties I talked about, with some extra for flavor. anim_offset_max and particles_anim_h_frames

[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://cxh2etmamltgf"]

[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://if7d20ulwbw" path="res://Particles/Spritesheets/th-2613382868.jpg" id="1_4310u"]

[sub_resource type="ParticleProcessMaterial" id="ParticleProcessMaterial_nffxd"]
emission_shape = 1
emission_sphere_radius = 5.46
gravity = Vector3(0, 1, 0)
hue_variation_min = -0.26
hue_variation_max = 0.53
anim_offset_max = 1.0
turbulence_enabled = true
turbulence_noise_speed = Vector3(10, 8, 20)

[sub_resource type="StandardMaterial3D" id="StandardMaterial3D_mnovo"]
blend_mode = 1
shading_mode = 0
disable_ambient_light = true
disable_fog = true
vertex_color_use_as_albedo = true
albedo_texture = ExtResource("1_4310u")
billboard_mode = 3
particles_anim_h_frames = 15
particles_anim_v_frames = 8
particles_anim_loop = false

[sub_resource type="QuadMesh" id="QuadMesh_2j20m"]
material = SubResource("StandardMaterial3D_mnovo")

[node name="WordTest" type="Node3D"]

[node name="GPUParticles3D" type="GPUParticles3D" parent="."]
amount = 50
lifetime = 8.0
visibility_aabb = AABB(-5.71641, -5.822, -6.15948, 10.2931, 13.9946, 12.3691)
process_material = SubResource("ParticleProcessMaterial_nffxd")
draw_pass_1 = SubResource("QuadMesh_2j20m")

1 Like

Ok thanks @gertkeno again but in the end this was not exactly what I was looking for.
Two reasons:

  1. I explicitly don’t wanted Billboard to be used since the Particles should be rotating freely in space.
  2. I needed to write my custom process shader anyway because I wanted special behavior I found quite hard to achieve with only tweeking the standard process material

And in the end it turned out what I was doing before opening this questioning here was actually correct but I messed up in assigning the particles a random value to select one of the signs. (I missed a break statement in a for loop…)

However playing around with the billboard solution and converting the standard shader materials into “code shader” convinced me that I was on the correct way before. So here is how I do it (WARNING: Very ugly prototype code with lot of cleanup potential):

Generate a Random Number between 0.0 and 1.0 in the start function of the particle for each particle. Than I map this number between 0 to number of signs I want and save it in the CUSTOM.w (xyz is already used for other stuff in my shader) and that’s the point where I messed up earlier.

// select randomly which sign this should be (the effect will be in the Mesh Shader Material)
	int rand_number = int(rand_from_seed(seed4+uint(TIME))*100.0);
	int sign_count = 4;
	// group up the random dumber in to equally big ranges based on the sign_count...
	for(int i=1; i<= sign_count; i++){
		if(rand_number <= (100/sign_count)*i){
			CUSTOM.w = float(i-1);

Then in the Material Shader I read out the CUSTOM.w float value in the Vertex function and save it in a varying so it can be accessed later on in the fragment function.

void vertex() {
	sign_number = INSTANCE_CUSTOM.w;

In the fragment function I use a overly complicated way to map the UV to the position on that the sign is in a given texture and use that as area as an alpha value.

void fragment() {
	EMISSION = glow_color.rgb*glow_power;
	ALBEDO = glow_color.rgb;
	vec2 uv = UV/float(sign_count/2);
	// That makes no cśence because all particles are rendered the same... so what ever the last partikle has as the number will be rendered...
	//find offest in the UV based on random sign number
	float test = sign_number;
	float num_rows=sqrt(float(sign_count));
	float row_pos = mod(test, num_rows)/2.0;
	float col_pos = floor(test/num_rows)/2.0;
	// the col must be shifted...
	if(col_pos <= 0.0){
		col_pos = num_rows-1.0;
		col_pos = col_pos-1.0;
	uv = uv+vec2(col_pos, row_pos);
	ALPHA = texture(signes_map, uv).x;

Again currently very ugly but at least it is working now. Thank’s again @gertkeno your suggestion at east showed me that what I wanted to archive must be possible some way :slight_smile: Maybe some day one unlucky person being as stupid as I was finds this helpful and will save some time :smiley:

This is the result for now:

Full Code:
Custom Process Material Shader Code:

shader_type particles;

uniform float break_speed : hint_range(0.0, 10.0, 0.1);
uniform vec3 expanse;
uniform float scale_facotr : hint_range(0.0, 10.0, 0.1);

uniform float rotation_speed : hint_range(0.0, 100.0, 0.1);

float rand_from_seed(in uint seed) {
  int k;
  int s = int(seed);
  if (s == 0)
    s = 305420679;
  k = s / 127773;
  s = 16807 * (s - k * 127773) - 2836 * k;
  if (s < 0)
    s += 2147483647;
  seed = uint(s);
  return float(seed % uint(65536)) / 65535.0;

uint hash(uint x) {
  x = ((x >> uint(16)) ^ x) * uint(73244475);
  x = ((x >> uint(16)) ^ x) * uint(73244475);
  x = (x >> uint(16)) ^ x;
  return x;

vec3 rotate_vector_x(vec3 v, float angle) {
	return vec3(

vec3 rotate_vector_y(vec3 v, float angle) {
	return vec3(

vec3 rotate_vector_z(vec3 v, float angle) {
	return vec3(

// returns a mat3 representing a new basis after rotating to the given direction
mat3 rotate_basis_to(mat4 transform, vec3 direction, vec3 up) {
	vec3 r = cross(direction, up);
	vec3 t = cross(r, direction);
	return mat3(normalize(vec3(r.x, r.y, r.z)), normalize(vec3(t.x, t.y, t.z)), normalize(vec3(direction.x, direction.y, direction.z)));

void start() {
	// generate a seed for each Velocity direction
	uint seed1 = hash(NUMBER + uint(1) + RANDOM_SEED);
	uint seed2 = hash(NUMBER + uint(27) + RANDOM_SEED);
	uint seed3 = hash(NUMBER + uint(111) + RANDOM_SEED);
	uint seed4 = hash(NUMBER + uint(345) + RANDOM_SEED);
	// generate a random position around the mid point and save in the custom...
	CUSTOM.x = rand_from_seed(seed1)-0.5;
	CUSTOM.y = rand_from_seed(seed2)-0.5;
	CUSTOM.z = rand_from_seed(seed3)-0.5;
	// select randomly which sign this should be (the effect will be in the Mesh Shader Material)
	int rand_number = int(rand_from_seed(seed4+uint(TIME))*100.0);
	int sign_count = 4;
	// group up the random dumber in to equally big ranges based on the sign_count...
	for(int i=1; i<= sign_count; i++){
		if(rand_number <= (100/sign_count)*i){
			CUSTOM.w = float(i-1);
	// set position to center
	TRANSFORM[3].xyz = vec3(0.0);
	// reset rotation
	mat3 basis = rotate_basis_to(TRANSFORM,, vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));

void process() {
	// calculate the target_pos from random start pos and expanse and scale factor
	vec3 target_pos = vec3(CUSTOM.x*expanse.x, CUSTOM.y*expanse.y, CUSTOM.z*expanse.z)*scale_facotr;
	// move particle to target pos if to far away 
	// and ensure that position is never exactly hit by ceeping velocity at a min speed.
	if(distance(TRANSFORM[3].xyz, target_pos) >= 0.05){
		VELOCITY = target_pos-TRANSFORM[3].xyz;
	//rotate the particle around x
	//TRANSFORM[1].xyz = rotate_x(TRANSFORM[1].xyz, 5.0*DELTA);
	//TRANSFORM[2].xyz = rotate_x(TRANSFORM[2].xyz, 5.0*DELTA);
	//TRANSFORM[0].xyz = rotate_y(TRANSFORM[0].xyz, 2.0*DELTA);
	//TRANSFORM[2].xyz = rotate_y(TRANSFORM[2].xyz, 2.0*DELTA);
	uint seed1 = hash(NUMBER + uint(5) + RANDOM_SEED);
	uint seed2 = hash(NUMBER + uint(45) + RANDOM_SEED);
	uint seed3 = hash(NUMBER + uint(452) + RANDOM_SEED);
	uint seed4 = hash(NUMBER + uint(153) + RANDOM_SEED);
	uint seed5 = hash(NUMBER + uint(153) + RANDOM_SEED);
	float rot_speed = rotation_speed*rand_from_seed(seed5);
	//rotate the particles around y
	vec3 rot_point = vec3(rand_from_seed(seed1), rand_from_seed(seed2), rand_from_seed(seed3));
	//rot_point = rotate_vector_y(rot_point, rand_from_seed(RANDOM_SEED));
	//rot_point = rotate_vector_x(rot_point, rand_from_seed(RANDOM_SEED));
	rot_point = rotate_vector_z(rot_point, (1.5*rand_from_seed(seed4)+TIME*clamp(rand_from_seed(RANDOM_SEED), 0.0, 1.0))*rot_speed);
	mat3 basis = rotate_basis_to(TRANSFORM, rot_point, vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
	TRANSFORM[0].xyz = basis[0];
	TRANSFORM[1].xyz = basis[1];
	TRANSFORM[2].xyz = basis[2];

Particle Material Custom Shader:

shader_type spatial;
render_mode cull_disabled;

uniform vec4 glow_color : source_color;
uniform float glow_power : hint_range(0.0 , 100.0);

uniform sampler2D signes_map : source_color, filter_linear_mipmap, repeat_enable;
uniform int sign_size;
uniform int sign_count;

varying float sign_number;

void vertex() {
	sign_number = INSTANCE_CUSTOM.w;
	//VERTEX.x = VERTEX.x+sign_number;

void fragment() {
	EMISSION = glow_color.rgb*glow_power;
	ALBEDO = glow_color.rgb;
	vec2 uv = UV/float(sign_count/2);
	// That makes no cśence because all particles are rendered the same... so what ever the last partikle has as the number will be rendered...
	//find offest in the UV based on random sign number
	float test = sign_number;
	float num_rows=sqrt(float(sign_count));
	float row_pos = mod(test, num_rows)/2.0;
	float col_pos = floor(test/num_rows)/2.0;
	// the col must be shifted...
	if(col_pos <= 0.0){
		col_pos = num_rows-1.0;
		col_pos = col_pos-1.0;
	uv = uv+vec2(col_pos, row_pos);
	ALPHA = texture(signes_map, uv).x;

//void light() {
	// Called for every pixel for every light affecting the material.
	// Uncomment to replace the default light processing function with this one.


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