My code is wrong somewhere my Main character will move but not jump

Godot 4 latest version

I have tested my collision and it works the only problem is while I can move left and right and the animations work I can not jump which leads me to believe its in my code. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

here’s my code:

extends CharacterBody2D

Declare variables for movement speed, jump force, and gravity

var speed = 200 # Movement speed (pixels per second)
var jump_speed = -600 # Jump force (negative value to go up)
var gravity = 1000 # Gravity strength (positive value to pull down)

Called every frame. ‘delta’ is the elapsed time since the previous frame.

func _process(delta):
# Handle horizontal movement
var direction = Vector2.ZERO # Reset direction every frame

if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
	direction.x += 1
if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
	direction.x -= 1

# Normalize direction to prevent faster diagonal movement
direction = direction.normalized()

# Set horizontal velocity
velocity.x = direction.x * speed

# Handle vertical velocity (gravity and jumping)
if is_on_floor():  # If the player is on the ground
	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_jump"):  # Jump input
		velocity.y = jump_speed  # Apply jump force
	velocity.y += gravity * delta  # Apply gravity when not on the ground

# Move the character using move_and_slide (without arguments)
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ui_jump isn’t a default action, have you made your own actions in the Project Settings → Input Map?

One other thing that you might want to check is if your jump speed is negative or positive. In Godot, negative y is up and positive y is down, so if you’re setting the jump velocity to a positive number in your code, you’re pushing the object into the ground instead of sending the object up.

I Have it so the character should move up or -y but I tried the same code on another project and it worked