My game performs terribly on mobile. How could I simulate an inferior device on PC in order to find the problem without constantly reuploading to my phone?

Godot Version



I have a very simple game with a truck model I got from sketchfab and some terrain I made in Blender.

Here is how it performs on various devices:

Builtin Godot Editor (on my Windows computer) My Windows computer (exported) One of my friends’ Linux computer One of my friends’ Windows computer My phone (very old but works well with average apps) One of my friends’ tablets (can run Honkai Star Rail fine)
Perfectly Perfectly Perfectly Perfectly 6-ish FPS <1 FPS; Literally unplayable

Considering the simplicity of the game, these results shocked me. I think it might be because my terrain collision is Trimesh, but if I do Multiple Convex it is extremely inaccurate.

I think the best way to fix this would be to try to simulate an inferior device in my editor and see what could cause the bad performance, however I have no idea how or even what to try optimizing once I do this.

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you may want to reduce the terrain complexity via a LOD modifier and proximity to the player.

I haven’t watched these but here is a start

The game is very small (3 little pieces of terrain + the background) and I doubt it would be possible to significantly improve my performance with LODs

Your image shows tens of thousands of vertexes visible in the terrain and that is only a narrow picture. Do you think your mobile devices gpu can handle that?

I will try adding LODs to make it better

You can test by making a scene with a single flat quad and see if it improves before putting in all that effort. Also some profiling could be helpful too.