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I created a day/night cycle and I have this for doing something whenever the state var is changed, however I tested it and the TIME_DAY or any stuff in the set_state doesn’t work. I am very new to Godot so I donno what to do, also tell me if my code is messy.
enum {
var state = DAY setget set_state
I would need to see how you’re calling the state changes. If you’re calling from the script that they’re defined in (like the above script), you have to call self.state = whatever. This will force it to call the setter. If you’re calling it from outside this script, well, I don’t have a guess at that point and would need to see more code (like where you’re calling the state changes).
i am changing the state var in the _process function of this script, so i assume i should do the self.state thing inside the set_state function? and will i have to do that also for everywhere else in the script that changes the state or just in set_state?
EDIT: actually i tried self.state = value instead of state = value and that didnt work so i probably misinterpreted where i need to put it
EDIT (again): I figured out where i need to put self.state and it works now, however the set_state func seems to be running every frame, making the TIME_DAY increase very quickly when it should only increase once.
EDIT (I should probably test more before typing): I figured it out, had to check if the state wasnt already the state it changes to