Godot Version
Godot 4.2
I’ve been trying to make a top-down shooter, and I’ve been running into an issue while trying to get the bullets from the player character to fire in the right direction. Essentially, I am having the player character look at the mouse, and attempt to fire a bullet towards the mouse from a Marker2D node, named BulletSpawn, that is always in front of the player.
The issue is that when I attempt to fire a bullet, it does not go towards the mouse, but rather in a perpendicular direction if I make the player face left or right, and away from the mouse if I make the player face down. If I make the player face directly up, then it does go towards the mouse, but any deviation from that results in the bullets no longer going directly towards the mouse. Needless to say, this has me pretty stumped, so please take a look at the code I have provided.
The method I’m currently using to fire bullets:
private void FireWeapon(){
if(Input.IsActionPressed("shoot_weapon") && canFireTimer >= Guns[CurrentWeapon].FireRate){
Bullet bullet = (Bullet)CurrentBullet.Instantiate();
bullet.Position = GetNode<Marker2D>("BulletSpawn").Position;
bullet.direction = (GetGlobalMousePosition() - GetNode<Marker2D>("BulletSpawn").Position).Normalized();
canFireTimer = 0;
The code for Bullet:
using Godot;
public partial class Bullet : Area2D {
[Export] public int Speed { get; set; } = 800;
public Vector2 direction = Vector2.Zero;
public override void _Process(double delta){
Position += Speed * direction * (float)delta;
In the _PhysicsProcess for the code for the player, I have these two lines that are almost certainly relevant as well:
RotationDegrees += 90;
In case you are wondering, for the RotationDegrees I found out after creating the player sprite, and all the animations for it, that it wasn’t aligned properly in the Godot editor (I should have made it facing right, not up). Regardless, with and without that line, the issue I described above still persists, just with the bullets going in different directions instead.
I appreciate any help.