Need help with instantiating

Godot Version



I am making a flappy bird clone and I am having trouble instantiating the pipes. The pipes don’t seem to spawn.

Spawner code:

extends Node2D

@onready var timer := $Timer
var pipe = preload("res://scenes/pipe.tscn")

func _ready() -> void:
	timer.wait_time = 1

func spawn_pipe():
	var pipe_instance = pipe.instance()

Pipe code:

extends CharacterBody2D

const movespeed = -25

func _ready() -> void:
	print("pipe spawned")
	position.x = 140
	position.y = randi_range(40, -40)

func _process(_delta: float) -> void:
	if(position.x <= -140):
		print("pipe deleted")
	velocity.x = movespeed * Global.difficulty

Do the print statements trigger, i.e. “pip spawned”?

If so maybe your pipes have been created off-set from the 2D origin at 0,0 Could you share a screenshot of the pipe scene?

The print statements don’t trigger. I have tested the pipe and it works fine as long as it is not instantiated.

Here is a screenshot:

Cool, then the timer’s timeout signal must not be connected to your spawn_pipe function, and/or your timer is not set to autostart, you can do this through the editor or in code

func _ready() -> void:
	timer.wait_time = 1

Turns out that the timer did not autostart, it’s always the simple things that elude me! Thanks!

Nevermind, I started getting an error.

as of 4.0 it is now .instantiate()

Thanks, it all works great now!