Need help with this please

Godot Version



i have a script to check if the Child is named “Inventory_Item” but when i duplicated the item it says “Inventory_Item2” and the script will not work for both of them, is there a way i can check if the name is “Inventory_Item” without the number 2?


    # your code here
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Thank you!

How would i get the child though? i have multiple in one node and im using the “Inventory_Item” name to find it.

When you have access to this one node you can call the get_children()-method:

for child in node.get_children():
         # Do something

You can also use other ways to check children:

for child in node.get_children():
    if child is InventoryItem:
         # Do something

In this case your InventoryItem needs to have a class_name called “InventoryItem”

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it worked, Thank you!

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