Godot Version
I’m trying to create a simple grid of boxes, however the nested for loop used to instantiate and place the boxes doesn’t seem to execute as expected.
extends Node3D
@export var width: int = 10
@export var depth: int = 10
var box = preload("res://Scenes/Box.tscn")
func _ready():
for z in depth:
print_debug("Vertical " + str(z))
for x in width:
#Create box instance
var boxInst: Node = box.instantiate()
#Position instance
boxInst.global_position.x = x-(width>>1) #Divide width by 2 and subtract it from x to center
boxInst.global_position.z = z-(depth>>1) #Divide depth by 2 and subtract it from z to center
add_child(boxInst) #Add as child
print_debug("Horizontal " + str(x))
This should create a grid but instead generates a line along the z axis:
If I disable the z loop the boxes align along the x axis. I’m guessing the horizontal boxes are all on x = 0 for some reason