(Version 4.3)
Hello, thanks for reading.
I’m very much a newcomer to Godot and coding in general. I’m making an attempt at a simple racing game, and I’ve been using tutorials and example projects to assemble my game. Here’s a short clip of what I’ve done so far:
So far - the player can collide with objects, collect checkpoints (the score is counted in a game manager) and cross the finish line. There is a timer on screen which starts when the game runs, and stops when the player collides with an Area2D at the finish line.
There’s lots to learn and add to - but right now, I’d like the timer to stop when the player touches the finish line and when they have passed a certain number of checkpoints.
I’m not quite sure how to proceed from here - do I add code to the game manager or the timer itself? I thought about using a simple “if” statement to get the timer to read the score but wasn’t quite sure if that was the best method.
Here are the scripts I’m using:
Game manager:
Thanks for looking.