newbie need help

Godot Version



I created a game where you have to collect the keys. Everything is fine not until my collected keys reach the max. It just puts the “Press [F] to pick up” visibility on though I check the debugger, there is no collision or whatsoever. and Also, it replaced my "Press [E] to interact cause like what i said, reach the max of the collected items, my interact button, which is supposed to be “E” now got replaced by “F”. I may have overlook the code, but I cant seem to understand where the problem is.

Here’s my code:

extends MeshInstance3D

@onready var pickup_text = get_node('/root/World/UI/pickup_text')
@onready var int_text = get_node('/root/World/UI/interact_text')

var hit_collider = ''

# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready() -> void:
	Emitter.add_listener('not_interacting', Callable(self, 'not_interacting'))
	Emitter.add_listener('colliding', Callable(self, 'colliding'))

func not_interacting(_value):
	pickup_text.visible = false
	int_text.visible = false
	Emitter.emit('collider_is_colliding', {'colliding': false, 'key': 'interact'})
func colliding(value):
	if str(value).containsn('Key'):
		hit_collider = value
		int_text.visible = false
		pickup_text.visible = true
		Emitter.emit('collider_is_colliding', {'colliding': true, 'key': 'pickup'})
func interact():
	Collectable.items = Collectable.items.filter(func(item):
		return item['Props'] != "Key" or item['value'].name != hit_collider

And also my RayCast:

extends RayCast3D

var colliding = false
var key = 'interact'
var int_text  # Reference to the interaction UI text
var total_collectables = null

@onready var collectable_text = get_node('/root/' + get_tree() + '/UI/Collectable' )

func _ready():
	Emitter.add_listener('collider_is_colliding', Callable(self, 'collider_is_colliding'))
	Emitter.add_listener('hide_interact_prompt', Callable(self, 'hide_interact_prompt'))
	int_text = get_node('/root/' + get_tree() + '/UI/interact_text')

func collider_is_colliding(value):
	if value is Dictionary:
		if 'colliding' in value:
			colliding = value.colliding
		if 'key' in value:
			key = value.key
func _process(_delta):
	if total_collectables == null:
		total_collectables = Collectable.items.size()
	if is_colliding():
		var hit = get_collider()
		if hit:
			var collider_parent = hit.get_parent()
			if collider_parent:
		var interactable = find_interactable(hit)

		if interactable:
			var props_name = interactable.get_parent().name
			if not colliding:
				int_text.visible = true
			Emitter.emit('interacting', props_name)
			if Input.is_action_just_pressed(key):
			Emitter.emit('not_interacting', 'none')
			int_text.visible = false
		Emitter.emit('not_interacting', 'none')
		int_text.visible = false
	if total_collectables:
		if (total_collectables - Collectable.items.size()) == 8:
		collectable_text.text = 'Keys Collected: ' + str(total_collectables - Collectable.items.size())   +  '/'  + str(total_collectables)

func find_interactable(node):
	while node:
		if node.has_method("interact"):
			return node
		node = node.get_parent()
	return null  # Explicitly return null if no interactable object is found

It seems that there is no relevant content in the code you provided

Can you share with me the plugin you are currently using?