No constructor of Vector2 matches the signature Vector2

finding a fix to these code errors?
No constructor of “Vector2” matches the signature “Vector2(int, float, float)”.
Line 27:No constructor of “Vector2” matches the signature “Vector2(int, float, float)”.
Line 28:No constructor of “Vector2” matches the signature “Vector2(float, float, int)”.
Line 29:No constructor of “Vector2” matches the signature “Vector2(float, float, int)”.

extends CenterContainer

@export var RETICLE_LINES : Array[Line2D]
@export var PlAYER_CONTROLLER : CharacterBody3D
@export var RETICLE_SPEED : float = 0.25
@export var RETICLE_DISTANCE : float = 2.0
@export var DOT_COLOR : Color = Color.WHITE
@export var DOT_RADIUS : float = 1.0

func _ready():

func _process(delta):

func _draw():

func adjust_reticle_lines():
var vel = PlAYER_CONTROLLER.get_real_velocity()
var origin = Vector3(0,0,0)
var pos = Vector2(0,0)
var speed = origin.distance_to(vel)

RETICLE_LINES[0].postion = lerp(RETICLE_LINES[0].position, pos + Vector2(0, -speed, RETICLE_DISTANCE), RETICLE_SPEED)#top
RETICLE_LINES[1].postion = lerp(RETICLE_LINES[1].position, pos + Vector2(0, speed, RETICLE_DISTANCE), RETICLE_SPEED)
RETICLE_LINES[2].postion = lerp(RETICLE_LINES[2].position, pos + Vector2(speed, RETICLE_DISTANCE,0), RETICLE_SPEED)
RETICLE_LINES[3].postion = lerp(RETICLE_LINES[3].position, pos + Vector2(-speed, RETICLE_DISTANCE,0), RETICLE_SPEED)

In the last 4 lines you are trying to put 3 numbers into a Vector2 struct, which accepts only 2 numbers.
E.g. here:

Vector2(0, -speed, RETICLE_DISTANCE)

You need to remove one of these numbers.


thank you, just one thing there is a tutorial i was watching where he set it as such
here is the link part1 part 2

Watch the tutorial again then, because his formulas are different to yours.
Don’t just blindly copy the code, but instead try to understand the meaning behind it.