Godot Version
v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]
I am using a Dictionary stored as JSON to persist user settings. I had no issues with getting all of this to work visually, but ran into a hiccup with overwriting the input_map as it needed an InputEvent and I was only saving the KeyCodes in my JSON Dictionary. I updated my code to store the entire InputEvent in the hopes to just carry that to the input_map. However I am running into issues parsing my JSON file back into a Dictionary[String, InputEvent]. I could refactor and go back to storing control name and keycode then figure out a way to go from keycode to InputEvent with the files I have created, but I would like to try to solve this problem to help my understanding of gdscript. How would you all go about parsing the file below back into a Dictionary[String, InputEvent]
Sample JSON:
{"Controls":{"move_forward":"InputEventKey: keycode=8388607 (Unknown), mods=none, physical=true, location=unspecified, pressed=false, echo=false","move_left":"InputEventKey: keycode=8388607 (Unknown), mods=none, physical=true, location=unspecified, pressed=false, echo=false","rotate_up":"InputEventKey: keycode=81 (Q), mods=none, physical=false, location=unspecified, pressed=true, echo=false"}}
My current parsing code that doesnât work:
# Retrieves the settings file from User:// or returns an empty dictionary if an error occured
func _get_settings_dictionary() -> Dictionary:
var file = FileAccess.open(self.SAVE_FILE, FileAccess.READ)
if file != null:
var content: String = file.get_as_text()
if not content.is_empty():
var json = JSON.new()
var error = json.parse(content)
if error == OK:
var dataReceived: Dictionary = json.data
var expectedType: Variant.Type = TYPE_DICTIONARY
if typeof(dataReceived) == expectedType:
# TODO Need to deserialize InputEvents from the save file
return dataReceived
Logger.error(self.UNEXPTECTED_FORMAT_LOG, [self.SAVE_FILE, expectedType, content], self)
Logger.error(self.JSON_ERROR_LOG, [json.get_error_message(), content, json.get_error_line(), self.SAVE_FILE], self)
var saveError: Error = FileAccess.get_open_error()
Logger.error(self.UNABLE_TO_OPEN_LOG, [self.SAVE_FILE, saveError], self)
return {}