I want the player to be able to enter the Area2D of the left Control and press a key to trigger a dialogue. How should I do this?
I have tried many methods but still can’t find a way
I’m a shit. :((
You’re not shit, you’re awesome for trying
What’s the reason your Area2D
is a child of a Control
I would not recommend it unless you have a very specific reason to do so.
Do you have any code on either the player node or the Area2D that would detect the player entering the area? Can you share?
Please please please NEVER say you’re shit because you’ve been having troubles fixing or doing a thing. We, and and mean WE ALL, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, have and will still, stumble and hit our heads on a wall.
Programming isn’t easy. Even the best of us run into problems.
Be kind to yourself, because if you’re not, who will? Take care of yourself. Please.