Please help me understand how framerates work in Control node scenes

How come my game’s framerates go crazy on a scene that has only control nodes in it and is there a way for my game to run on a fixed rate when on a control scene?

Ive tried making it to where the game is paused on all of my main menu scenes and only unpausing once the game actually starts but it didnt work.

Enable this bad boy in your project settings and limit your frame rate:

Usually, limiting your framerate (either manually or with v-sync) should be enough, but if you’re using only control nodes, you can also use low processor mode too

Your question is the answer, if your scene is simple your cpu/gpu require less time to process everything and if your pc take less time to generate a frame, the engine is able to create more frames per second.

Enable vsync in your project settings or by code:


Or set the max fps you want:

Engine.max_fps = 60

Thank you for your reply, unfortunately I do use 2d nodes in my game, once the player exits the main menu. I read that it’s recommended to leave this setting off for games, so unfortunately I won’t be able to use this feature. However, if i find myself making an application, I’ll have to remember to use it!

It seems that vsync is enabled by default and i have set my max fps to 60 through the project settings. Thank you for your time to answer!