Possible to detect convex decomposing failing?

Godot Version



Note: I’m using C# mono godot, in case it’s relevant.

Howdy! I am building a game with complex 2d shapes with dynamic destruction. I have things stable enough, where 99% of the time, I am able to generate a polygon outline for the shape in question, and set it with code like:

Vector2[] polygonPoints = GenerateCollisionPolygon();
// deferring seemed to prevent other issues with things needing to be "flushed"...
CallDeferred(nameof(SetCollisionPolygon), polygonPoints);
public void SetCollisionPolygon(Vector2[] points)
			_collisionPolygon.Polygon = points;
		catch (Exception e)
			GD.Print("This Never Fires Ever!");

I will see the following alerts once in a while in the errors section of the debugger:

E 0:00:20:0580   decompose_polygon_in_convex: Convex decomposing failed!
  <C++ Source>   core/math/geometry_2d.cpp:53 @ decompose_polygon_in_convex()

The problem is that it’s unclear to me if this error is catchable? Or if it’s even possible to know you’re in such a state? I would happily recover after the fact. When I turn on collision debugging the collider seems different, it’s not highlighted in red, and instead just shows the points… as in the game engine seems to understand something is broken, how can I tap into that?